Rough Sailing

Rough Sailing

Some of you may recall the following from my January 18th quarterly letter:  "I believe the greatest risk to the financial markets to be inflation and the actions of the Fed.  The Fed expects three more rate increases in 2018; the markets think it will be just two.  Should market expectations be too low, which I think is a high probability, this could finally result in some volatility."

Burn Time?

Burn Time?

With tax season in full swing, I have been fielding some questions regarding how long account statements and the like need to be retained.  After doing some research, the consensus I’m seeing is that anything that verifies information on your tax return should be retained for at least six to seven years...

Dow Wow

Dow Wow

If anybody is still clinging to the view that the rally in domestic stocks since the bear market bottom has been fueled entirely by "easy money" from the Fed, this view is being dealt a crushing blow today as stocks rally to new highs in response to hawkish (higher interest rate) talk from a couple of influential members of the Federal Reserve...

2017 Outlook Presentation

2017 Outlook Presentation

GSR Capital Management invites you to our 2017 Outlook Presentation. It will be held Tuesday, January 31st  from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in Redding. Topics will include our financial market outlook and tips regarding cyber-security.  Appetizers will be served, and reservations are required. Please call (530) 226-1600 by Friday, January 27 to RSVP.

Brexit Americana

Brexit Americana

November was an interesting month. Topping the list of notable news was the election of Donald Trump .....